Your catalyst to career success

“You create your own universe as you go along.” by Winston Churchill

Advance your skills remotely with our online courses and start your next chapter today. Our online courses will help you to complete your business management tasks with grace and efficiency while managing the business world's demands. You will walk away from this course with the knowledge and tools you didn't know you needed, but that is extremely valuable.
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Change Management Course Introduction Video

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Our Courses Features

We incorporated the adult-learning theory, needs analysis, and advanced multi-media skills to offer the highest eLearning level.

We are committed to sharing real work skills and the best industry practices. The course material illustrates and simplifies complex ideas and presents practical information with sufficient imagery and easily populated templates. We offer flexibility to learn anytime, anywhere, and on your schedule. START fostering personal growth and building discipline and accountability TODAY.

Why Take a Course

“Take the first step in faith. You don't have to see the whole staircase, just take the first step.” by Martin Luther King Jr.

If you are a new specialist starting your career or a seasoned professional, challenged with the task, this course is for you. The executives say that today's employees need a broader range of skills and a high level of knowledge. To keep up with evolving business operations, you have to look forward to constant training and lifelong learning. The course materials focused on the people side of change. Our templates will provide a starting point for your work. You will have critical information with guaranteed consistency. Our course will help you to stand out. You can access our training at the speed of a few mouse clicks.

Change Management at A-Glance

Process, Tools and Techniques to Manage the People Side of Change to Achieve a Required Business Outcome

  • 1. Outline a Vision

    Before implementing a change, a goal outcome must be defined. A CM consultant will work with management to develop a vision by outlining the desired result of organized change for individuals and organizations.

  • 2. Involve Senior Leadership

    The change must start with the leaders of an organization. CM consultants will work directly with senior leaders to improve the likelihood of accomplishing desired results.

  • 3. Develop a Change Management Plan

    The first step in evaluating an organization’s current ability to change is performing a change readiness assessment by determining any potential obstacles which may interfere with implementing change.

  • 4. Engage Stakeholders

    At the center of any meaningful change are the people involved. CM consultants will help firms by getting all stakeholders on board and keeping them informed by sharing information about changes, helping increase stakeholder participation and support.

  • 5. Create Infrastructure to Support Adoption

    To implement wide-scale change, CM consultants work with organizations to modify their organizational norms by implementing training programs, practical strategies, and innovative technologies.

  • 6. Measure Progress

    The job of a CM consultant does not end after implementation. After changes are deployed, consultants should continually monitor progress by identifying and tracking the best metrics to evaluate progress.

Tips for Taking Online Classes

  • Treat an online course like a "real" course and practice self-discipline

  • Set up a dedicated learning environment for studying with high-speed internet access

  • Hold yourself accountable, and practice time management. “Being a student is easy. Learning requires actual work.” — William Crawford


‘Even the genius asks questions.’ –Tupac Shaku

  • What are the advantages of taking classes online?

    Convenience and flexibility are the most common advantages of online courses. Taking classes online is ideal for someone who wants to continue learning while working. Online courses allow you to fit school into your schedule when it's convenient for you.

  • Are your online classes self-paced or scheduled?

    Our online classes are self-paced and based on the independent study.

  • Are quizzes available online?


  • Whom do I contact if I have a question related to the content of the course?

    Please contact Advisory Service Academy instructors at [email protected]

Instructor Bio

"I am not a teacher, but an awakener." by Robert Frost

Olga Mishechkina is a versatile business professional with extensive project management, change management, and human resources management experience. She has a proven track record of delivering effective solutions in information, finance and service industries, working for central Canadian banks, global IT corporations, medium and small service organizations. Olga has a unique combination of strengths in both process management and workforce management disciplines. Along with a Bachelor's Degree in Art and Technology, Human Resources Management Certificate, Prosci Change Management Certificate and other credentials, she acquired various skills to educate others and change their lives for the better.

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“If you think education is expensive, try estimating the cost of ignorance.” — Howard Gardner